Round shape card 75mm diameter

Round shape Card/

Sticky in background. So you can be attached in Table. Non-removable easily.

NFC + QR code

If you want to order more than 10 Pic, Then price will be less than 15 per pic.


Table standing Review Card


You can keep it as it’s in the picture. NFC + QR code

If you want to order more than 10 Pic, Then price will be less than 20 per pic.

Hanging with room key

Hanging in door or room key

NFC + QR code 


Table standing Review Card


You can keep it as it’s in the picture.  NFC + QR code

If you want to order more than 10 Pic, Then price will be less than 17 per pic.

get more customer

Google Review card RFID, NFC


  1. Increase reviews in seconds Built in Analytics 
  2. Powered by NFC, RFID & QR code,
  3. No App needed.
  4. No monthly subscription.
  5. Works on iPhone & Android.
  6. Waterproof

I/myself will come for setup. Free delivery

Need Help?


CardMt is our brand, we offer over 40+ NFC tap items like cards, tags, bracelets, signs, keychains and more.  Our Main offer is Google Review Card for Hotel/restaurant/bar, other sector. So they can get easy more google review in their business. 

All CardMt products come with completely free-forever software that you may use to setup and edit a digital business card profile. This service is provided to you for free, no purchase necessary

Yes, we offer bulk pricing as well. Price will be to depend on how many you will order ? Reach out by WhatsApp.

I / Myself will come for setup. However, you can do yourself easily as well. I Just need your Google business review link to setup. 

Yes, once you set up it will work a lifetime. But later on, if you want to set up a different business in that card, you can do that one as well.

Yes its waterproof 

Yes, it will work in android and IOS/iPhone. 

Setup Google Review Card. So let supposed in your restaurant daily customer about 200. And  at least 10 people will do review in your  google business account. At least. 10 people. 

So in next one month total review will be 300. And in next 12 months it will be more than 3000 Reviews. So think how its impact in your online presence. 

Benefit of having google review

How does it help in hotel/ restaurant /bar/café business having lots of review in google business account 
Having lots of positive reviews on your Google Business account can significantly benefit your hotel, restaurant, bar, or café business in several ways:
  1. Increased Visibility:

    • Positive reviews can improve your business’s visibility on Google. The more positive reviews you have, the higher your business is likely to appear in local search results, making it easier for potential customers to find you.
  2. Trust and Credibility:

    • Positive reviews build trust and credibility among potential customers. When people see that others have had positive experiences with your business, they are more likely to trust your establishment and choose it over competitors.
  3. Customer Decision-Making:

    • Many consumers rely on online reviews to make informed decisions about where to eat or stay. Positive reviews can influence potential customers and sway their decision in favor of your business.
  4. Marketing and Promotion:

    • Positive reviews can serve as valuable marketing material. You can highlight positive comments in your marketing efforts, on your website, or in promotional materials to showcase the positive experiences of previous customers.
  5. Feedback and Improvement:

    • Reviews, whether positive or negative, provide valuable feedback. Positive reviews can highlight aspects of your business that customers appreciate, helping you understand what you’re doing well. Additionally, any constructive criticism in reviews can offer insights into areas where you can improve.
  6. Customer Engagement:

    • Responding to positive reviews shows that you value customer feedback and are actively engaged with your audience. This engagement can foster a positive relationship with customers and encourage repeat business.
  7. Competitive Advantage:

    • A higher number of positive reviews can give you a competitive edge. When potential customers compare different businesses in your industry, a positive reputation can set you apart from competitors.
  8. Local SEO Benefits:

    • Positive reviews contribute to your business’s local SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Google often considers the quantity and quality of reviews when ranking local businesses in search results.
  9. Social Proof:

    • Positive reviews act as social proof, indicating to potential customers that others have had positive experiences with your business. This can be especially important for businesses in the hospitality industry.
  10. Word of Mouth Amplification:

    • Positive reviews can be considered a form of digital word of mouth. When customers share their positive experiences online, it can reach a broader audience and influence others to try your establishment.